Friday, January 7, 2011

Entry #1 An introduction.

So welcome to my blog. If we are all very lucky I'll keep up on this and you'll never have to wonder where I am or why I haven't updated. So you must all be wondering about who I am and what's with my blog title.

Well for all intents and purposes you can call me Nichi, or the G1 Moondancer Pony, as that is my favorite Hasbro My Little Pony. I'm in my 30's and I enjoy doing art, especially pony art and making custom my little ponies.

I've been doing horses since I could hold a pencil but drawing MLP's has only been the last 5 years or so. I've only been customizing about a year, but have really taken a lot of enjoyment from it. Recently however my hands have started to hurt really bad, especially when re-hairing and I've come to realize I have the beginnings of arthritis in my hands and now I have had to adapt my methods to accommodate the pain and stiffness.

Over the years I have watched my Grandma, an artist in her own right and an excellent seamstress and cook, be slowly robbed of the ability to do the things she has always loved and been so good at as a result of arthritis in her hands and slowly but persistently moving into other places making it hard to stand for long periods of time and walk around as much as she should.  Because of this combined with my own condition, I've become aware of the challenges of being able to create and enjoy things when you have to worry about your body working against you.

So I decided to create my blog, The Arthritic Artist, where I will probably talk about balancing pain and creation, making accommodations so I can still do the art I love- such as learning to wear wrist braises while working- , frustrations and triumphs, as well as sharing my art with you.

I hope you enjoyed my first post. I look forward to getting to know you along the way.

~Ever Yours,
Nichi Moondancer.

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