Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Watching apoxie dry

So I'm sitting here watching apoxie dry.  Apoxie Sculpt is one of the most beloved and yet most detested substances I work with. The finished product is absolutely wonderful but it's so sticky when it's first mixed and then if you wait to long for it to set before you start sculpting you don't have enough time to get as much done as you wanted.

But I have to use it on the current custom I'm doing. It's really the only substance that allows for really good feathers on wings and this pony does have wings. Of course it had wings originally but I hated those wings so I removed them and now I'm starting on new wings. Better wings.

This is only the second set of wings that I've ever done and even though I'm just starting on this set of wings but I can already see the improvement between this set and the first set I did. I really wish that this had been my first set of wings. When I made the first set I was so proud of them, but now I can see how novice they really were. I wonder if everyone goes through this? Looks back at their previous work and see something completely different than they saw it when they first finished the piece?

Oh well, I guess I should get back to the apoxie.

Best Wishes,
Nichi Moondancer.

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